Athena's Kingdoms features a one of a kind fishing plugin - purpose build for the server.
It brings a plethora of new fish - plenty of fun, beneficial, cursed, or even just tasty ones.
We also bring in nether lava fishing!
Throw your bait into any lava pool in the nether to start, you'll know you have a catch when you both see and hear the lava around your bobber bubbling!

A player who is lava fishing has a catch!
RARE fish

Big tuna, being big.
Not the most useful of fish, but definitely the tastiest.
Found in abundance, just about anywhere where there's water.
Tuna, common, found just about everywhere you look.
Sure is tasty though.
Found in: Water
Found in: Water

Found in abundance in both waters and lava, this little beast is everywhere.
Delicious when cooked, but don't ever eat it raw!
Great to have on-hand for boss fights, PvP duels, or a fancy dinner.
Shines brilliantly in the light.
Devour this Shark and it will bless you with it's fortune.
Consumption grants 0$ - 5,000$
This here, uh, fish . . ?
Will certainly empty your stomach, leaving you hungry for more fish!
Useful for stacking buffs before a boss fight or PvP duel.
Didn't your parents ever tell you not to play with the blue jelly fish?
Found in: Water
Found in: Water
Found in: Water / Lava
Found in: Water / Lava
Legendary fish

Elegant and royal, the Koi is a marvelous creature.
Luck increases your chances of getting more, and higher level loot from the Ender Dragon!
Found in: Water

Found in: Lava
Enough poison to ruin your day, if you manage to survive it's deadly toxins you'll find it can be rather beneficial in the right dosages.
Grants the consumer a myriad of poisons, sicknesses, and toxins... but also Strength VI for 45 minutes!
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger!

Found in: Lava
Part of the Atolla family, this gentle creature won't play any tricks on you.
Consuming makes you feel . . . Heavenly.

Found in: Lava

Found in: Lava

Found in: Lava
A beautiful little lava shark, the pink fin is a delicate creature - despite it's reputation.
Big and bad, this mean thing will definitely hurt to eat, but they've been known to be eaten around the world regardless, mostly for their medicinal fire resistance effects.
Only eaten by the most daring, this little thing has evolve over millions of years so it won't get eaten!
Ascendant fish

The rarest, crispiest, tastiest little shrimp of them all.
Grants 10 addition hearts on consumption, fills your hunger and saturation.
Majestic, shimmering, awe inspiring . .
this fish instills utmost confidence in
it's consumer.
Luck increases your chances of getting more, and higher level loot from the Ender Dragon!
Found in: Water / Lava
Found in: Water